Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Teen Pregnancy

I do not understand what is going on with teens now! Having a baby is an accessory to teens now. They think that it makes them cool. Sorry teens, but being a teen parent doesn't make you cool, it makes you immature and stupid. I was a teen mom and it's hard. No I was not cool and yes I was stupid. Having a baby is an amazing experience but as a teen, you can't enjoy that experience when you are struggling to make ends meet and relying on others to support you children. If MTV would stop making teen parenting something to be proud of and exploiting it then maybe we could cut down on teen pregnancies.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I have begun to really notice that the prison's now are more cozy and homey than most people's homes! What is with that? A guy that I went to school with is in prison for murder and he has a facebook! A murderer has a facebook! What is wrong with this situation? This guy killed another person and has a facebook. I just do not agree with this at all. Our prisons can afford to have the internet but can not afford to provide decent medical care. If they can not afford to give an inmate decent medical care than how can they afford to give them access to computers with the internet. It is just mind blowing to me. Jail is becoming worse than prison. Yes, you can have a job and things like that in jail but you can also have a job in prison. What is our world coming too? I was reading other blogs and articles on google and I am not the only that thinks the prison's are not spending their money the way they should be. If the prison system would use the money correctly than maybe could put some of that extra money towards making new jobs or getting our country some what out of debt.